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About Me


My name is Jakob Gutschi. I am 22 years young and come from Wolfsberg, Carinthia.

I am a calisthenics athlete, certified calisthenics master trainer and founder of GREP Sports. In addition to my studies in sports science,

I am also a photo & videographer.

In July 2018 I started calisthenics and founded the 'Bodyweight Only' fitness brand GREP Sports in March 2020.


Because machine training, where you are mostly 100% isolated, has become too boring for me and I wanted to do more with my body than just 'having muscles'.

I wanted to build up high-quality muscles, behind which there is also great strength, to learn great body control and, of course, to be very flexible at the same time.

All this is possible with GREP Sports and Calisthenics.


Benefits of GREP
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  • Fat burning (because different muscle groups work together)

  • Optimized muscle and strength building (through natural and correct movements)

  • Increased coordination and body control (due to multifunctional training [multiple muscle groups involved]; fall prevention for the elderly; improvement in reflexes)

  • Reduction of mental stress (due to intermediate meditations during certain breaks between exercises)

  • Stronger mindset (during the training you learn not to give up, even when things get tough)

  • Back pain relief (due to natural movement)

  • Better posture (improved mobility through active stretching during training)

  • Reduction of listlessness, fears, depression (stress hormones are reduced through movement and happiness hormones are released [dopamine and serotonine])

  • Risk of osteoporosis is reduced (if your bones are not stressed, bone substance is broken down; through the stress, the cells of your bones are activated again and your bone substance increases as a result)

  • Your motivation to train increases (because for beginners, progress can already be seen after 4-6 weeks)

With GREP Sports and bodyweight training, a lot of important points are covered at the same time:


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